The Umbrella Agency - Web Design Services, Los Angeles


The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (CMS and Static Websites)CMS AND STATIC WEBSITES:

We build Content Management Systems (CMS) and Static HTML websites. CMS websites pack a lot of punch and is quickly becoming the standard for companies, clients, and personalities who want to be able to update and manage their site content, incorporate a social media campaign, and improve search engine listings, among many other dynamic functions, configurations, and capabilities. HTML websites are less flexible and are best for individuals and entities who do not need nor foresee having to update or change their content once it is up and running. And are looking to use their site as an online business card or portal for a target audience, purpose, or established following. Currently, we do not work in flash due to general tech issues with search engines and mobile devices. – View recent websites | Contact us for a quote.



The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (Portfolio Websites)PORTFOLIO WEBSITES:

Having a top notch portfolio website inspires the confidence of employers, investors, fans, clients, and representation. It is quickly becoming the standard no matter what industry you work, or creative endeavor of choice. Others aside, it does make life easier for you in the sense that you will never have to gather hard copies and create packages to promote your work unless the contact is “qualified”. Print deserves worthy candidates. We will make sure that the quality of your site celebrates and exalts the quality of your work. Your presentation will be pitch perfect. Even if it is a single sketch, poem, short story, or scene from a movie. We know that your decision to invest in a portfolio website is one of many bold moves indicative of belief in yourself, talent, and vision of the future and treat the design, development, and delivery of your site as such. – View recent websites | Contact us for a quote.


Social Network Profiles

The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (Social Network Profile Customization)SOCIAL NETWORK PROFILE CUSTOMIZATION:

A lot of time, energy, and effort goes into building a finely developed, well rounded website. From the words and language chosen to tell your story. To the images and artwork created to represent your identity to the public at large. Because of this we make sure that our Full Service Clients various social network profiles match the look, feel, and tonality of the site that we have created in order to demonstrate control over the quality of their presentation and maintain image familiarity from one social media platform to the next. If we have not designed and developed your website but you are interested in having us customize your various social network profiles we offer this service as an individual service as well. – View our Twitter Page | View our Facebook Page | Contact us for a quote.


Blog Customization

The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (Blog Customization)BLOG CUSTOMIZATION:

Whether you are already pumping out content on a daily basis and ready to make the jump to the next level to promote what you do. Or looking to implement a social media into your marketing strategy. A well designed blog is a powerful asset in the promotion of your business, service, or product no as a stand alone solution or in conjunction with a site that already exists. Most blogs are built around generic templates used by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of other people out there rocking the same haircut. We make sure that your blog is just as unique as the content you post. And take great care to translate exiting aesthetics and elements into your design to maintain cross channel synchronicity and branding. – Contact us for a quote.



The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (E-Commerce Websites)E-COMMERCE WEBSITES:

We offer a number of E-Commerce solutions based on the size and scope of your product and nature of salable goods. Every shop we build is optimized to be discovered by search engines. You will be able to upload, manage, and market your products on your own. The processing of payment will be simple. The transactions encrypted and secure. The presentation will convey the essence of your product. Which is the star of the site. And the shopping experience will be fun, tactile, and easy to share with friends. Whether you are in need of a fully developed site built from the ground up or want to expand the functionality of an already existing site we are ready to reward the people who are looking for you with the satisfaction and joy that goes hand in hand with finding what they have been looking for and clicking that beautiful little button – “Buy it Now”. – Contact us for a quote.


Add Ons + New Features

The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (Add Ons and New Features)ADD ONS + NEW FEATURES:

One of the main reasons we love Content Management Systems is because of its use of plug-ins. For every need that arises or new function one desires there is probably a plug-in out there ready to be incorporated into your website to keep it useful, current, and relevant. Or, for a fraction of what it would cost to completely redesign your site, one can be developed for you. Many plug-ins are free and easy to implement. However, not all plug-ins are created equal nor are compatible with the framework that you are running without blowing your site apart. We will find the best compatible plug-in to suit your needs. Then configure and integrate it into your site for you. Or, if there isn’t something already out there – we’ll build it. – Contact us for a quote.


Search Engine Optimization

The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (Search Engine Optimization)SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key component to your site’s success in the simple fact that it determines where you pop up in search engine listings. Every site we build is designed, from the language we use to tell your story to the configuration and tagging of certain internal elements of your site to make sure that you are found by the people who are looking for you, your product, or service and dominate search engine results. Or, if you have already invested in a site but are not showing up where you had hoped (if at all) we will take a look at your site, analyze what you’ve got going on, make the essential adjustments, and put into place certain elements that are missing so that you can get the most out of your Internet experience. – Contact us for a quote.


Email Campaigns

The Umbrella Agency - Web Design and Development (HTML Email Campaigns)HTML EMAIL CAMPAIGNS:

Incorporating a custom HTML email campaign into the way you interact with your subscribers affords one the opportunity to learn a little more about who their people are and how to better serve and communicate with them. No matter what the content or call to action, every email sent shares same aesthetics of your site with clickable links, text, and images. For every email sent you are able to see who is opening your email, see which page is being visited and if you’ve successfully gotten them to do what you want them to do, or if they are just taking all that finely tuned thought and effort that went into crafting your message and dumping it in the trash. It is a super valuable resource that we offer to all of our full service clients as well as to anyone who would benefit from it is an individual service. – Contact us for a quote.